
The complete list of the keyboard shortcuts of the Mail app in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 comes with a modern application, Mail, which serves as the replacement for the good old Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. This new Mail app was designed to be used on touch screen devices, but many Windows 8.1 users are classic desktop PC users who do not have a touch screen. Those users may want to control the Mail app with keyboard shortcuts. In this article, I would like to share the complete list of keyboard shortcuts for the Mail app in Windows 8.1.

How to change the main window icon of Firefox 26 and above

Firefox is truly a very customizable browser. It has lots of hidden features and options which are not accessible via the browser's preferences UI. Add-ons enable many of these features to be customized in a user friendly way. Others can be tweaked with the built-in configuration editor (about:config). One such secret feature of Firefox is the ability to change the icon of the main window and bookmarks as well as library windows. You can even set your own icon for the downloads library, the bookmarks window, and the view source tool without using any third party tools. Let's see how it can be done.

How to disable recent thumbnails on the new tab page in Firefox

When you open a new tab in Mozilla Firefox, then by default it shows you thumbnails of websites based on how frequently you have visited them and how recently as well. For most users this feature is really useful since it provides quick access to frequently visited sites and allows pinning and rearranging favorite web pages on the new tab page. But there is a category of users who care about privacy or have to share their browser with other people. In such a case, they may want to disable the new tab page thumbnails. Here is how you can do that.

How to move tabs in Firefox to the bottom of its window

As a former user of Opera 12.x, I am used to having a fully customizable UI in my browser. One change I used to do was to move the tabs to the bottom of the browser's window. After switching to Firefox, I have not found any corresponding option to move the tabs bar to the bottom of the screen. So I would like to share the solution I am using.

Beautiful Butterflies theme for Windows 8

Beautiful Butterflies theme for Windows 8

Beautiful Butterflies theme for Windows 8 features the wonderful world of these flying creatures in summer. Decorate your Desktop with these amazing butterflies. To get this theme, click the download link below, and then click Open. This will apply the theme to your Desktop.

Tip: If you are Windows 7 user, use our Deskthemepack Installer to install and apply this theme.

Size: 14.3 Mb

Download link

Launch your favorite apps with useful aliases from the Run dialog

Ever since Windows 95, Windows has had a cool feature known as app paths. It allows end users to create their own commands to run anything. Throughout its long history, this little known feature never gained much popularity, probably because it was initially designed for developers to prevent them from adding their apps to the system path variable. Even in Windows 8.1, this feature still exists without any changes, and is still secretly hidden from the eyes of the average Windows user. In this article, we will look at what app paths are and how you can create your own aliases to tremendously boost your working efficiency.

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