Optional preview updates for Windows 11 and 10, April 2023

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Microsoft has issued its optional preview updates that contain fixes and features that will be generally available in the next Patch Tuesday. Windows 11 22H2 is receiving KB5025305, build 22621.1635, and the original version of this OS, 21H2, is getting KB5025298, build 22000.1880. Windows 10 updates include KB5025297, Build 19045.2913, for version 22H2. Here are the key changes.

What's new in Windows 11 22H2, Build 22621.1635

This version includes animated icons on the Widgets taskbar button that activate under two conditions:

  • when a new announcement appears,
  • when hovering over or clicking the Widgets taskbar button.

Additionally, the update features a new toggle control on the Settings > Windows Update page. Once enabled, it will prioritize your device to receive the latest non-security updates and enhancements as soon as they become available. Note that for managed devices, the toggle is disabled by default. For more details, refer to "Get Windows updates as soon as they're available for your device".

This update also resolves two bugs. First, it addresses a problem with pop-up windows opening in the background instead of the foreground in Microsoft Edge IE mode. Second, it fixes an issue with the Chinese input method where the first suggested item isn't fully visible.

The official announcement is here.

What's new in Windows 11 version 21H2, Build 22000.1880

The latest update resolves a problem that impacts Microsoft Edge IE mode, where pop-up windows open up in the background instead of the foreground.

Moreover, Xbox Elite users with the Xbox Adaptive Controller will benefit from this update, as it applies their controller remapping preferences on the desktop.

Finally, this update modifies the app icons for specific mobile providers. You'll find more on the official website.

What's new in Windows 10 version 22H2, Build 19045.2913

One of the new features is the ability to synchronize language and region settings when you modify your Microsoft account display language or regional format. If you have activated Language preferences sync in your Windows backup settings, these settings will be stored in your account.

This update resolves two issues related to Microsoft Edge IE mode. First, it fixes the problem where pop-up windows open in the background instead of the foreground. Second, it addresses the issue where the Tab Window Manager stops responding.

Additionally, this update modifies the app icons for specific mobile providers and resolves a bug affecting the Chinese input method, where the first suggested item isn't fully visible.

Moreover, this update applies the controller remapping preferences of Xbox Elite users with the Xbox Adaptive Controller on the desktop.

Finally, this update addresses a potential issue with news and interests, where it may flicker on the taskbar and File Explorer may stop responding.

You will find the official announcement here.

Since these preview updates are optional, you have to install them manually to get them on your device prior to their general availability. For that, open Settings (Win + I), and navigate to the Windows Update section. There, click on the Check button. Finally, on the same page, check the Optional updates section for new patches available.


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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube.

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